Low Self-Esteem

1476120002“I can never get it right.”

Am I flawed… defective?

No one understands me.

What’s wrong with me?

They’ll never like someone like me.

Why am I so different?

They only invited me to be nice.

Why did I say that?

I’m so stupid.

How could I do something like that?

710815021It’s thoughts like these…

… that steal away our inner confidence and peace. They rob us of joy and overshadow the positive values and characteristics we DO have.

These thoughts keep us piling on feelings of guilt and shame, leading to various mental health concerns and behavioral problems. It can cause stress, anger, anxiety, depression, and physical health problems.

And these problems affect every area of your life:

Your personal and professional relationships…

Your sleep…

Your social life…

Your ability to THRIVE…

It’s an awful beast that leaves you feeling isolated and unfulfilled.

Low Self Esteem Img3But therapy can help you train the beast!

We will discover what’s causing these maladaptive thought patterns to take over your mental space – what makes you feel this way. There might be past events shaping the way you currently look at the world or yourself…

Were you bullied in school?

Were you punished or harshly disciplined as a child?

Were you able to speak freely in your home?

Did someone in your life mistreat you?

These are the kinds of experiences that can interfere with our ability to see the good parts of ourselves.

You can’t go back and change the past, but you can prepare for how you handle the future. In therapy, you’ll learn how to care for yourself through mindfulness techniques, self-compassion exercises, thought-stopping skills, and negative-thought-pattern-removal tools.

You’ll also acquire the skills to cultivate more positive, rational thoughts, including healthy communication skills.

Get back to a place where you enjoy who you are…

And have confidence in what you bring to the world.

I know that being vulnerable is scary, and letting people know the real parts of you can be hard. But this is a safe, judgment-free zone.

I know it’s hard to take the next step. But I’m here for you.

Let’s get you to a place where you can enjoy yourself and all your God-given traits, capabilities, talents, and abilities.

It’s time to get that inner critic to shut up!

We’ll do it together! Give me a call today for your free consultation: (843) 941-9260.