
522840862You feel like there’s a black hole inside your chest.

You’re exhausted… and everything feels heavy.

The house is a mess, the chores aren’t done, and there isn’t enough energy to care for yourself.

The things that once brought you joy are gone. No hobbies or activities – it’s all too hard, or they’re no longer fun.

Your brain feels like a fog, making decisions difficult.

Even communicating with people is exhausting.

And perhaps worst of all… it’s hard to believe things will get better.

Depression is an experienced thief.

It robs you of confidence, enjoyment, self-care, preservation, hope, peace, energy, and health.

It knows how to take everything from you.

And it’s a thief that doesn’t stop. He comes back again and again, leaving you with nothing. And every time, it’s a little harder to rebuild.

Depression Img 2You need help before it’s too late.

Depression affects the mood, physical health, sleep, energy, concentration, self-worth, and self-preservation of nearly 300 million people.

But you don’t have to be one of them!

It’s time to muster up whatever energy you have left and fight back – no more hiding and isolating and letting it rob you of your life.

Through empirically supported treatment methods like Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing EMDR you’ll get the tools you need to fight this depression.

Let’s not let it take anything else from you!

We’ll explore how your thoughts have contributed to your feelings using CBT. You’ll discover your thoughts’ power and learn how they connect to your feelings and behaviors.

With EMDR, we’ll explore past distressing events and how they’ve contributed to your present-day experience. We’ll reprocess memories to free up brain space and help clear out memories that might be behind negative beliefs you have about yourself or the world. We’ll replace those beliefs with more positive ones, all while releasing deep-rooted feelings of guilt, shame, unsafe, worthlessness, and helplessness.

It’s time to put that thief in jail!

Are you ready for things to change?

Imagine life with energy, organization, clear thoughts, good eating habits, physical health, hope, and joy.

It might be hard to see it now, but you deserve more than this.

Move toward a better version of yourself. Call me today for a free consultation: (843) 941-9260.