1444225961The impulses keep taking your attention away from tasks.

It is hard to stay organized and get priorities in order.

Time gets away from you, and you’re often late for appointments.

Focusing is difficult because your mind starts to wander when one of your senses is stimulated.

Sitting still in a chair is torture, as restlessness takes over.

You may experience frustration, mood swings, or even become hot-tempered as you become easily overwhelmed.

You just want to get things done, but you’re getting lost in all the noise!

ADD and ADHD can create other problems, too…

… like low self-esteem, relational conflicts, and even accidents.

Many people with ADD and ADHD realize that their personal and professional relationships are suffering…

That makes them feel flawed, defective, or ashamed.

1287149137But you’re NONE of these things!

ADD and ADHD can be effectively managed with the right tools and interventions.

You don’t have to be a victim!

There is no cure for ADD and ADHD, but you can successfully manage the symptoms with consistent practice and commitment to learning and implementing new skills.

That’s how therapy can help.

We’ll help you understand what keeps you in old patterns.

You’ll learn all about ADD and ADHD and how they’ve impacted you and your relationships.

You’ll also learn how to develop a structure to keep you on track toward reaching your personal and professional goals.

I’ll provide organization, planning, and problem-solving tools to handle overwhelming tasks.

Let’s attack your distractibility from all angles!

That’s how you’ll tap back into your attention span and stay focused on the tasks at hand.

That’s what will give you the adaptive thinking you need to stop procrastinating!

You’ve endured enough shame and guilt. Let’s get you on track and in control again!

You’ve made it this far, so I know you can take the next step. Call or text me today for your free consultation: (843) 941-9260.