You feel like you’re in danger all the time.
Hot flashes one minute – followed by a pounding headache that won’t go away
Your body is constantly on sensory overload, and you jump out of your skin at sudden noises.
An anxious feeling that something horrible is going to happen follows you night and day.
The feeling doesn’t go away no matter what you do, and you can’t keep living like this.
Your self-confidence has plummeted.
You don’t like this person you’ve become. You’re irritable and short with the people you love.
Insecurity and constant edginess are turning you into a person you don’t recognize (or like very much).
You feel inadequate in every part of your life. It’s hurting your ability to focus at work.
Staying at home and making up excuses when your friends invite you has become the norm.
There are fewer triggers to navigate at home, but you’re worried about isolation.
You’re not broken. You just need help.
Using the most effective treatments for anxiety, you’ll gain control over your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
We’ll use EMDR to soothe the anxiety at the source and let your body process the recurring emotions.
EMDR uses your body’s natural healing ability to release the emotional charge of your old memories.
In a supportive environment, we’ll use the strengths-based approach of CBT to tap into your natural resilience.
Mental health looks good on you.
Let’s find the root of your pain and discover lasting healing.
We’ll free up the mental energy those old wounds are using so you can move forward and handle whatever life throws at you.
Connect deeply with the people you love again.
Wake up feeling good in your mind, body, and spirit again.
Experience the confidence that comes with reaching and discovering your full potential.
Become the version of yourself you want to be.
Let’s get to work.
Time to start the process of healing and renewal.
Don’t let your anxiety run the show another day.
Call (843) 941-9260 today for your free 15-minute consultation.
Schedule your